Sharefile Sync For Mac
Can you try these steps: 1) Using Finder, select Go, then Go to Folder 2) Type the following path: /usr/local/lib then click Go. 3) Remove the following files:.
Sharefile Sync For Mac
Sharefile Sync For Mac Pc
libMonoPosixHelper.dylib. libSFFileMonitor.32.dylib.
libSFIPC.32.dylib. libSFIPC.I.dylib. libSFsqlite3.7.4.dylib. libSFSyncEngine.I.dylib 4) Using finder again, select Go, then Go to Folder 5) Type the following path: /Applications/Citrix/FollowMeData then click Go. 6) Run Uninstall ShareFile Plug-in to remove the Plug-in from Receiver. 7) Launch Activity Monitor from./Applications/Utilities.
8) Quit ShareFile TrayUI. 9) Quit SyncEngine. 10) Empty the Trash. 11) Reinstall stand-alone ShareFile Sync by double-clicking on its installation package.